Sarkari Naukari in government institutions like APSSC, UPSSC, HPSC, and public sector undertaking banks like State bank of India, Union bank, Punjab national bank etc public sector undertaking companies like NTPC, BPCL, IOCL, HPCL, GAIL, BHEL, MSTC, BSNL, HAL, MTNL, SAIL etc are perceived to be lottery in professional career as they used to offer job stability, minimum work pressure, good work life balance, regular salary, time bound promotions, lot of perks and benefits, free healthcare, value in your social network, good marriage matches for you if you unemployed, easy and low interest bank loans etc...
But those days are gone now, you have to battle with below issues:
No discipline in recruitment process, you never know when the notification comes, when the recruitment notification get cancelled. Except some recruitment notifications from institutions like UPSC, IBPS etc.
Dynamic work culture: Gone are the days where you are king of your profile, you can do your work as per pace but this is not the case now if you talk about PSU banks like SBI, UBI, PNB, IOB etc has stiff competition from private bank players, external stakeholders like politicians can pressurize your branch for some favours which if gone wrong will make you loose your job. Employee Monitoring has increased.
Work place coordination, Privatization fears, competition in the market made government employees to feel insecure.